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Overall Healthcare Costs

If we don’t make significant structural changes to our healthcare system, it’s projected that the average health insurance premium for a family of four will equal the family’s household income by about the years 2025-30.


Source:    DeVoe J, Dodoo M, Phillips RJ, Green L. Who will have health insurance in the year 2025? Robert Graham Center [online]. [cited 2009 Jun 16]. Available from: http://www.graham-center.org/online/graham/home/publications/onepagers/2005/op40-insurance-2025.html.

One Response to Overall Healthcare Costs

  1. John J. Frey MD on August 13, 2011 at 8:41 am

    Got wind of this website/blog from Josh Freeman’s blog and really appreciate both your perspective and your information. the unfunded mandate list alone is of enormous value. I suspect you might be supportive it the payment system for primary care became a pay-for-population approach rather than pay-per-encounter and hope that you and others are willing to advocate for that essential change – otherwise the costs in your graph are going to soar. Many thanks.

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